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Global Partnership for Youth in the Post-2015 Development Agenda

We are pleased to announce that Egypt Foundation for Youth and development is now part of the Global Partnership for Youth in the Post-2015 Development Agenda!

This global partnership aims at engaging young people from across the world in setting, implementing, and evaluating the Post-2015 development agenda which will replace the MDGs in 2015. It allow us to express our views, and helps us identify our needs and indicators for youth empowerment, which could be featured in the Post-2015 Development Agenda.

Under the five thematic areas that emerged as top priorities for young people in the My World 2015 survey:

Peace & Stability

Good Governance

we will crowdsource our recommendations to policy makers in order to come up with a list of youth priorities to be shared with Member States for the intergovernmental deliberations at the ECOSOC Youth Forum.

Join us in defining and promoting youth priorities by posting your ideas and registering at:

Post your tweets, and Facebook statuses using the hashtags

Join us in defining and promoting youth priorities by posting your ideas and registering at:

The proposed target areas have been announced at the World Conference for Youth, which assembled some 750 young participants in Sri Lanka from 6 – 10 May. The proposlas were presented by the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth Ahmad Alhendawi, and conference goers have been invited to join the crowdsourcing to share their thoughts and feedback. The proposed target areas are:

  1. Put in place school-to-work transition policies to increase employment rates of young women and men, with targeted measures for disadvantaged youth;

  2. Strengthen public private partnerships to ensure a better match between the skills of young graduates and the needs of the private sector;

  3. Provide access to learning opportunities to develop knowledge and skills, including professional, technical and vocational, for work and life;

  4. Ensure young entrepreneurs’ access to tailor-made financial and non-financial services;

  5. Ensure gender equality at work, including eliminating the gender pay gap

  6. Ensure universal global access to adequate social protection, including social protection floors, and decent work and livelihoods for young people in the formal and informal sector in accordance with ILO labor standards.

  1. Improve health status of adolescents; Ensure all adolescents enter adulthood with the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health; reduce mortality and morbidity related to violence and accidents, and due to complications related to pregnancy and childbirth, and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV;

  2. Promote healthy behaviors, including reducing risks for NCDs and substance abuse;

  3. Increase access to health services, information and modern methods of contraceptives.

Good Governance

  1. Strengthen participation of young women and men in governance and decision-making processes at local, national and global levels by supporting enabling environments and implementing youth-centred policies;

  2. Ensure freedom of media, association, and speech, for all, including the most marginalized youth;

  3. Support the capacity development of youth, youth movements, networks and organizations;

  4. Encourage and support youth civic engagement and volunteerism for development, including by ensuring education on and awareness of human rights;

  5. Strengthen effective, transparent and accountable institutions at all levels;

  6. Support and promote increased and equitable access to open, timely, reliable and quality information, including through ICTs, to enable stronger accountability mechanisms and greater youth participation in decision making.

  1. Ensure equitable access for all children to lower secondary, secondary and tertiary education, with a focus on the most marginalized;

  2. Ensure all children, including the most marginalized, are achieving relevant and measurable learning outcomes at all levels, made possible by the provision of quality education by adequately trained and qualified educators;

  3. Increase access to, and improve the quality and relevance of, technical and vocational education and training (TVET), ensuring that children and young people are equipped with the necessary practical and soft skills to meet the demands of the job market and to foster global citizenship, including access to lifelong learning opportunities;

  4. Increase the accountability and responsiveness of national governments in achieving these targets by, where necessary, increasing the proportion of the national budget committed to education, strengthening strategies for reaching the marginalized and improving assessment systems to measure learning outcomes.

Peace & Stability

  1. Ensure equitable distribution of development gains to promote peaceful and secure societies;

  2. Eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls, in particular through female empowerment, strengthening young women's leadership and involving young men in the process of eliminating violence against young women; 

  3. Ensure that all young people participate in peace and human rights education, either through formal or non-formal education, and have access to opportunities for cross-cultural exchange and volunteerism;

  4. Ensure that young people can meaningfully participate in decision making processes on local, national and international governance, including issues related to peace and security. Ensure accountability and transparency in governance of peace and security issues.

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